The poison will destroy his body in a few days, like he is pierced by thousand of thors.Like this defiant Turk bey. First, blood will come out of his eyes.His skin will fall like snow. When it's falling, his bones will show.But he won't die.Good.My brother's death...should not be aseasy as this Turk's.It should take months.Maybe years.Until the councilbey by my side...his death shouldbe slow and painful.I have to see his evil face before Argun dies.I have to mock thehate in his eyes.Then it will be mynephew Gazen's turn.This won't be that easy. sir.I will buy every single one of the council Beys...before the election of Han.There is no lockgold cannot unlock.Mongol council beysare very greedy.It's very hard to satisfy them with gold, sir.If the Seljuk's treasury is not enough...there is alwaysTurkish tribes.
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If that's still notenough, Christians.I will collect thegold I need from them.But that means more tax, sir.Cerkutay begged tosee you, Geyhatu.Bring him in.I'm sure the Kayis have a spy in the castle.They raided theammunition first...then I raided Sogut and they came here to kill our soldiers, in our home.In both of them,Osman was absent.Who do you think Ertugrul assigned for this?Gunduz..or Dundar?Who?It Neither of them are any good.Savci.Savci, huh?Why are you laughing?Two sons of Ertugrul that are candidates for his position.
Two trouble makers.Osman stands nochance against Savci.Savci is closer to Ertugrul's position in his father's eyes.You are wrong, Flatyos.Osman has something that Savci doesn't have.What is it?You'll see.You'll see whenyou find the spy.Flatyos. .get detailed information about the people in the castle, civilian or military.I only know one thing about the spy: He's been in this castle far longer than Ertugrul's sons.Who might that be?We'll see.
I'll train the soldiers myself.I'll give theirlessons by myself.The war is coming. The war is coming, Flatyos.The dog of Balgay, Cankutay.You came here knowing you'd die.I'm here to die by your hand with my honor.Then...die!One last time! Let me serve you one last time.Let me give you information more valuable than my life.More valuable thanyour life, huh?Even more valuable than your life, Geyhatu.More valuable than my life...What is it?Your son Mongke...What happened to my son’?